Friday, November 26, 2010

New job, new city, new life AGAIN!

So I have just accepted a new job that will be paying me more money, give me more and better experience and move me to a different city. A few sacrifices will be made - leaving some friends behind, finding a new church, Oscar stressing in my initial absence and the move and just the whole new adjustment to a new city. Fear factor for me is the unknown and I am 35 and single! The latter is a whole subject matter of it's own.

The unknown...the job itself: it's an HR Generalist which I am familiar through the last 7 and a half years. I am well educated and certified and experienced so I have no problems, right? It's a new company to me and most companies' policies are different but the basics in employment law are the same. This will be a challenging experience for me.

The city: Melbourne, FL is two and a half hours away from Tampa, so I will be starting over again. New friends, new church, new apartment. This will be the harder adjustment for me because I am a social and emotional person. Fitness and eating healthy will be key to less stress while adjusting. Must keep the weight off or I will be back in the same position as last year.

Oscar: need I say more? He has gotten more honorary in his old age. Any hint of realizing something is going on and he will pee on the carpet outside his box. The little sh*thead! And driving or flying with him will be a not so fun experience - he will howl the whole way in the car and then do I let him out to pee during the two hour drive? He will take off I am sure, never to be found again! So maybe a litter box in the car? Right, that should be funny.

While all of this will soon pass, my first month scares me - I will be flying back and forth to NC until the company makes it's move to FL. Does anyone else like the thought of flying to and from home every week? I know Oscar won't like it. When will I be able to pack? Find an apartment? All this craziness frightens me but like my mom says 'this too shall pass'. Everything happens for a reason and this opportunity fell gracefully into my lap. Who wouldn't accept it? I would be a nutjob if I didn't, right?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

it's June!!!

so what do I write about today? Much has happened within the last few weeks...I feel like a different person and all that are close to me know why. I am trying to move on and make a fresh start, but it is tougher than it seems. Sometimes I think Florida has been a great experience for me and other times, I just want to go back to the way it used to be, but God has me here for a reason. I just haven't figured it out yet. Patience.

On the bright side, I have lost almost 40 pounds and that has certainly made me feel like a new person - a hot mama, like some have said :-) My goal is to be at my end weight before my birthday in November - certainly achievable considering I am going at lightning speed and feel more and more motivated by my changing body every day!

An update on my condo/ toilet is running and I have called the property manager three times to have them come out and fix such luck. Guess who's water bill will be up this next month?? I think I might look for another place later this much as I hate moving. Cheaper would be nice too..even though the upgrades are nice, it is not worth the hassle of everything else. I do like living in St. Pete...within 20-30 minutes of several beaches, but still only 15-20 minutes from work. We'll see where I am at towards the end of the year.

I'd like to look into some freelance writing, but haven't looked much into what it takes and how to get into if anyone has any ideas (not that I have many readers of my blog..just thought I'd try). I enjoy writing and I think I am pretty good at it, so maybe I could make some extra cash doing it...or am I just way too ambitious and think too highly of myself? Haha. What is the worse that could happen? I just sit here and ramble to myself on this blog every day/week/month. long for now :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A second job

Ok, so I have to admit that I am in search of a second job. Times are tough and we all know working for the government doesn't always pay off. Today, I had an interview at Target and really felt my age. The guy that interviewed me looked about HALF my age!! He kept talking about how things have really changed since I worked there - uh, yeah, it was almost 20 years ago!!!! Sigh. Oh well. It's all good. Someone told me that it was beneath me to take a job at Target, but really, it's not. I am not any better of a person than the cashiers and stockers that work there already. Sure, I may have more education and that's what my day job is for. I use my brain too much during the day and wouldn't mind not using it too much at another job. Sorry, soap box again.

And it might be a little fun working at Target again. Hello, store discount??!! My mom made a funny when I told her about my interview. Some background, if you didn't already know...I love shopping at Target, especially Super Target! I don't know why I have such an attachment to it, but always have and have even had certain special events occur there (a little personal for me to discuss right now). I can spend hours there and spend most of my money there if I was given the chance. I have never really been a designer shopper, so I am all about the Merona, Mossimo and Cherokee labels...who cares anyways? As long as I am looking good and comfortable. Ok, back to my mom's funny. She predicts that 3/4 of my Target paycheck will be going BACK to Target and the small quarter left will come back to me. You guys may not think it's funny, but I got a good laugh out of it because IT IS TRUE! Honestly though, I have to do better. I have been pretty good with my money this year, but I need to be better so that I don't have to spend my spare time working a second job and spend it with the wonderful people I love :)

Ok nite nite all you crazy people out there!

Monday, May 10, 2010

New day, new me?

They say that the more you write, the better you get. Who are they? And what do they care about me? Haha. Oh well. I want to write more, but need to force myself to do it. People keep saying what a great writer I am and how articulate I am. I guess I am in the wrong field - human resources really doesn't allow me to practice my writing skills. It just annoys and frustrates the hell out of me!! Who has an interest in reading my stuff anyways? Well, I have got to take that risk and keep doing it, right? I like it and it makes me feel better why not keep doing it?

I don't really want to talk about my work b/c it sux right now and I don't know who might be reading this and they might tattle on me - LOL.

I was walking down by the Pier today and saw some interesting people. People walking their dogs (or running them), strange couples, rollerbladers, cyclists and a homeless guy sleeping on a bench. I felt sad for the homeless guy - he had a wheelchair next to him with a back pack hanging on it. It's hard these days with 12% unemployment. Oh and the housing GM was telling me today that she heard on the news about people walking out on their mortgages. People who purchased their homes for $400,000 and it's now valued at $80,000 - WTH?? Not even worth a quarter of what it was! I'd walk too. The government needs to quit bailing out the arrogant, selfish, rich companies on Wall Street. They are just going to waste it away anyways with their big parties and bonuses.

Oh sorry, did I get on my soap box again? I am getting used to Florida, I guess. Meeting some great people and have found a church. The beaches are the best part of Florida. I have made it to Clearwater, St. Pete, Ft. Desoto, Sand Key, Madeira and Pass-a-grille beaches and still more to go! I try to go to one each week, so I can determine my favorite. Clearwater, Pass-a-grille and Ft. Desoto are my favorites so far (in that order).

Random thoughts maybe I'll do different topics each day/week instead of just talking about everything all at once.

I am tired and need a bath in a big way, so good night to who ever reads this.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

March in Florida....

Yeah, I am lazy and haven't been updating my blog, but do I care? Not really.

So, I have a sinus infection, but won't go into any details about how much snot I have been producing. Really, it's too much and I haven't been getting any sleep with my coughing all freakin' night. Oscar just gets po'd and sleeps in the other room. Wish I could do that, but it just follows me everywhere I go. AND to top it all off, I did go to the doc-in-a-box and get a Z-pack, but guess what?? It has disappeared!! I took my first dose and then either Oscar found it and batted it around the apartment or I just put it in a really safe place. While scrounging around the apartment for it, I discovered how incredibly dirty my floors are! I am feeling slightly better and yesterday was able to muster the energy to clean the bathroom and do some laundry. Today's task is the kitchen, grocery shopping and vacuuming. Of course, the weather was beautiful the day I was sick and now when I feel like getting out, it has decided to storm. Go figure.

Back to my so-called "condo" or what I call apartment. Why am I always cleaning cobb-webbs in the corners and on my ceiling?? Is this a Florida thing? It's disgusting and I know I have cleaned several in the same place every month! And the lack of space thing just drives me crazy. I have got to rearrange again in my bedroom - it still looks like I just got here because I have no place to store my old TV and suitcases (yes I have rearranged my patio storage several times already). Oh, and one of the wire shelves in my closet looks as if it will collapse at any moment - one of the rods needs to be fixed...another thing for maintenance to come in for but guess who gets to do all of the work? ME - I would have to take all my hanging clothes down. Oh well, I'll leave it for another day...procrastination is great!!

Something new in my quest in Florida...two months ago, I joined Weight Watchers, been exercising 4-5 times a week. I have lost about 10 inches and 15 pounds! This has been a great distraction for me since it keeps me so busy since right now, I have no life here. Who knew that being healthy is hard work, especially the cooking. I grocery shop every week and cook most everything fresh. I try to cook something new every week just to keep variety. Also I have added variety in my work-outs...besides just walking by the bay on base, I discovered the beautiful gym on base (and it's free!!). The elliptical burns over 700 calories in an hour!! Weee!! Then, for fresh air in St. Pete, I walk over by The Pier and found some funny looking pelicans :) They say you'll see dolphins swimming over there too, but I have yet to see them. Next, I tried Leslie Sansone walking with pilates - awesome core and cardio workout. Now, recently I have tried Jillian Michaels Shred - she does not play! 25 minutes of pure HELL, but is a good strength, core and cardio workout even in that small amount of time.

Ok, well that is it for now...don't want to bore you too much today. I will try to do this more often since writing is a good release for me. Whoever reads this, have a great day wherever you are :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010


It's Friday Eve - hooray!! So did I mention that the door to one of my cabinets in the kitchen fell off?? Well, I tried to be the independent fixer-upper and screw it back worked for about a minute and it fell right back out. Nice. I get to call the property manager to come in and fix it. While I am at it, I wonder if it will do any good to ask about my garbage disposal..every time I turn the disposal on, it comes up on the other side of the sink - just nasty! Is this supposed to happen? It's never happened to me in previous apartments...we'll see.

With the cold weather that has hit everywhere in the US, St. Pete has been in the chilly 40-50s and I have been trying hard to NOT turn on the heater - not just because my electric bill gets enormously high, but also because my vents rattle like crazy and it is hard to sleep with it on! Also, it's not good for the allergies at night...all that nasty air circulating around the apartment and into my lungs. Not a nice feeling when I wake up in the morning. Time to change the cheap air filter that I recently pulled out - it appears to have been cut off some sort of strip of another one. Who knows.

So it's Friday plans for the weekend in St. Pete except for exercise, Weight Watchers and grocery shopping! I keep telling myself I need to get out and explore, but I don't like doing things by myself....I can't exactly take Oscar (my cat) with me. Sometimes I just need a big swift kick in the backside!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

This is me!

Ok, well this is my very first blog and very first entry! I am not sure where to go or what to do, so here goes................

I am a Native Dallas, Texan, who was just transferred (not by choice) for my job to Tampa, Florida. I am a human resources manager for a company that shall remain nameless at this point in time. Ever since I got the news I was moving to Florida, I was not the happiest camper. Not to say I am averse to change, but it was not the best time in the world for me, which makes me think, is there ever really a good time for such a huge move??

So I found a place in St. Petersburg which they call condominiums but oddly enough look very much like apartments! Really what is the difference between a condo and an apartment? Yeah, the upgrade to granite countertops, stainless steel appliances and track lighting are all nice, but it doesn't take long to find out what's underneath it all.

That's all for now...I will unveil my "condo" for y'all on my next entry.