Tuesday, June 1, 2010

it's June!!!

so what do I write about today? Much has happened within the last few weeks...I feel like a different person and all that are close to me know why. I am trying to move on and make a fresh start, but it is tougher than it seems. Sometimes I think Florida has been a great experience for me and other times, I just want to go back to the way it used to be, but God has me here for a reason. I just haven't figured it out yet. Patience.

On the bright side, I have lost almost 40 pounds and that has certainly made me feel like a new person - a hot mama, like some have said :-) My goal is to be at my end weight before my birthday in November - certainly achievable considering I am going at lightning speed and feel more and more motivated by my changing body every day!

An update on my condo/apartment...my toilet is running and I have called the property manager three times to have them come out and fix it...no such luck. Guess who's water bill will be up this next month?? I think I might look for another place later this year...as much as I hate moving. Cheaper would be nice too..even though the upgrades are nice, it is not worth the hassle of everything else. I do like living in St. Pete...within 20-30 minutes of several beaches, but still only 15-20 minutes from work. We'll see where I am at towards the end of the year.

I'd like to look into some freelance writing, but haven't looked much into what it takes and how to get into it...so if anyone has any ideas (not that I have many readers of my blog..just thought I'd try). I enjoy writing and I think I am pretty good at it, so maybe I could make some extra cash doing it...or am I just way too ambitious and think too highly of myself? Haha. What is the worse that could happen? I just sit here and ramble to myself on this blog every day/week/month. Anyways.......so long for now :)