Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A second job

Ok, so I have to admit that I am in search of a second job. Times are tough and we all know working for the government doesn't always pay off. Today, I had an interview at Target and really felt my age. The guy that interviewed me looked about HALF my age!! He kept talking about how things have really changed since I worked there - uh, yeah, it was almost 20 years ago!!!! Sigh. Oh well. It's all good. Someone told me that it was beneath me to take a job at Target, but really, it's not. I am not any better of a person than the cashiers and stockers that work there already. Sure, I may have more education and that's what my day job is for. I use my brain too much during the day and wouldn't mind not using it too much at another job. Sorry, soap box again.

And it might be a little fun working at Target again. Hello, store discount??!! My mom made a funny when I told her about my interview. Some background, if you didn't already know...I love shopping at Target, especially Super Target! I don't know why I have such an attachment to it, but always have and have even had certain special events occur there (a little personal for me to discuss right now). I can spend hours there and spend most of my money there if I was given the chance. I have never really been a designer shopper, so I am all about the Merona, Mossimo and Cherokee labels...who cares anyways? As long as I am looking good and comfortable. Ok, back to my mom's funny. She predicts that 3/4 of my Target paycheck will be going BACK to Target and the small quarter left will come back to me. You guys may not think it's funny, but I got a good laugh out of it because IT IS TRUE! Honestly though, I have to do better. I have been pretty good with my money this year, but I need to be better so that I don't have to spend my spare time working a second job and spend it with the wonderful people I love :)

Ok nite nite all you crazy people out there!

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